Our preschool program is designed to help children grow not only physically, but mentally, socially and emotionally, as well. We focus on positive reinforcements for attempts rather than results. We help children to learn that their best effort IS the most important factor in being successful! Please see descriptions of our age-based programs below.
See here for apparel requirements for all classes: https://us-east-1.iclasspro.com/38068/classes/1707439681.Apparel_Requirements.pdf
Please visit our portal for current class offerings.

Tiny Tots (12-20 months)
A parent-involved class. Children, along with an adult are introduced to music, rhythm, and movement exploration in a bright, colorful and fun gym setting. With the lead from the teacher and one on one time with mom or dad, these little self-directed tots explore their new world and start to develop self-esteem and basic building blocks of skills.
Tumble Tots (21 months-2 1/2 years)
A parent involved program. At this age, we begin to see basic skill development. We continue to utilize the one on one time with mom and dad. Parents encourage participation in group activities and following simple directions.
Super Tots (2.5-3.5 years old)
A parent involved program. At this stage we incorporate an instructor-lead circuit, introducing the children to taking turns and working in a group with the teacher rather than mom or dad. More complex skills start to develop, such as a small cartwheel, a seat drop to stand on trampoline, and a forward roll around the bar! Each class day the children have a “skill of the day”, rewarded with a sticker on their skill card. This program readies the 3 year old for their first independent class- Gym Minis!
Tots age groupings are guidelines. Please keep in mind your child’s individual readiness when choosing his/her class.
Gym Minis (3 year olds)
Kids that are ready to work independently of mom or dad. This class format continues to incorporate music to warm up and close class. Children are introduced to small circuits where they complete one or two skills alone and move to another with a teacher. The “skill of the day” is done with the teacher and a sticker is rewarded for the attempt! Here we’ll start to see work on skipping, backward rolling and donkey kicks, combinations on trampoline, and rolling on the balance beam! Our ratio for the 3 year olds is 5 or 6:1.
Gym Buddies (4 year olds)
Four year olds begin to show an increased desire to do skills correctly and take pride in themselves and their accomplishments. Locomotor skills, body positions, and continued work on skill progressions are stressed. Gym Buddies also have their skill of the day, which gets a bit more advanced for each age group! Our ratio for the 4 year olds is 6:1.
Gym Kids I/II (5 year olds)
These two classes are the child’s last “preschool” stop before moving into one of our Levels or Boys classes! Gym Kids I and II are structured much like our older students’ classes, incorporating fun strength and flexibility exercises along with rotations to 3 different apparatus each class! The five year olds will begin to learn such skills as handstand to bridge, bridge kickovers, cartwheels on balance beam, pullovers on the bars and even back handsprings! Our ratio for this age group is 7:1.
** Students who are NEW to the Gym Kids level or to Lakes Area should register for GYM KIDS I – Class length: 45 minutes
GYM KIDS II is the perfect place for our Lakes Area students who have already completed two full terms of GKI; or those referred by their teacher. Class length: 1 hour