GIRLS LEVELS (ages 6 and up) – This program is for girls 6 years of age and older. The philosophy of this program is fun, fitness and fundamentals! Gymnastics is a great opportunity for children to exercise while doing something they enjoy. In this program,students will have the opportunity to work through 10 different levels, beginning with basic skills and advancing gradually through to more advanced skills and routines. For each level, goals are set for each of the different gymnastics apparatus including vault, uneven bars, balance beam, floor exercise and trampoline. At the completion of each level the children receive certificates and ribbons. Girls who are new to gymnastics with little to no experience should register for Level 1/2.
**It is imperative to know which level your daughter is prior to enrolling online. Selecting the wrong level could delay your registration & limit your class choices.**
See here for apparel requirements for classes: