Lakes Area Gymnastics, Inc. was founded in 1973, providing over 50 years of fitness programs for the area’s youth. Our mission is to create a positive, fun, safe learning environment for all children with an emphasis on success! We strive to meet the needs of all ages, abilities and goals. We pride ourselves on our friendly, knowledgeable staff team who lead with a passion for children and a love for the sport! We welcome you to our program and thank you for giving us the opportunity to work with your children!

Diane Biedrzycki
President of Lakes Area Gymnastics, Inc. Diane has been the owner of the gym since 1984, taking over the business from her former gymnastics coach, following a successful competitive career. She still coaches in the gym, mostly with the Advanced levels and High School girls, and absolutely loves everything about running a business based on kids! Diane is a professional member of USA Gymnastics, US Elite Coaches Association, Safety and KAT certified. Diane and her husband, Brian, who owns Lakes Area Marine in Burlington, have three children, Alyssa, Taylor, and Carson.
Front office Manager – Angela Sanfratello
Our Office Manager and her staff are always ready to help you! They handle all registrations, phone calls, e-mails, decorating and payments, as well as keep the kids’ birthdays posted, and make all our certificates! One of the best parts of the receptionists’ jobs is the daily contact with the kids and parents!

Jenny Barry
Jenny began her teaching at Lakes Area Gymnastics in 1994, returning to the place she learned her gymnastics as a child! After several years as a competitive gymnast, both for Lakes Area and Burlington High School, Jenny got her finance degree from UW Madison and was a manager for Enterprise Rental. Her love for kids and desire to have a healthy impact on them led her back to us! Jenny is the Recreational Program Director and you’ll see her teaching anything from our tiniest tots to our upper level gymnasts! She is Kinder Accredited and Safety Certified. Jenny likes to run to keep fit! She and her husband Brian have two girls- Aleigha and Ashlyn.
Jared Weber – Ninja and Tumbling / Trampoline Director
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